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Our difference - The approach


“Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than others to deliver a unique mix of value”


trim-ac: completing the value chain



Comprehensive analysis : market, scenarios and context

Definition of a strategic positioning to identify the appropriate Product and Concept of Design.

Final assessment, a decision platform.



Urban Planning & Urban Design Framework:

Innovative Urban Vision operates at many scales, from the macro scale of the urban structure (planning, zoning, transport and infrastructure networks) to the micro scale, such as alternative connectivity, mobility layers, the management of the flow or movement of dwellers, up to integrated elements like smart urban furnishing, efficient lighting, systems of shade and digital infrastructure



Provides the key design principals. Support & Monitoring of the Architectural Process to be developed by local architect and other professionals involved in the documentation and implementation stages.  Enrich and secure maximum fidelity  to the original concept.





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